Storylines Global Academy is a progressive global private school that believes in learning through action as the most effective method for students to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life as global citizens. We offer a journey of exploration for an inclusive international community where all students are valued, heard, and taken seriously.
We’re dedicated to personalized learning and catering to each student’s unique needs. We aim to challenge and inspire them to unlock their full potential through distinctive learning opportunities.
Students learn by applying their knowledge in real-world
settings at destinations worldwide. Our unique school, aboard a continuously circumnavigating private residence ship, offers diverse subjects and activities for students to pursue their passions. Expert educators and mentors support this journey.
Helps students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.
Enables students to apply their learning to diverse real-world situations.
Prepares students to solve global 21st-century problems as adults.